Elasticsearch service/utils
Last updated
Last updated
Please be sure of your agent type and version and pick the right documentation accordingly.
This is the documentation of the forest-express-sequelize
and forest-express-mongoose
Node.js agents that will soon reach end-of-support.
v9 and forest-express-mongoose
v9 are replaced by v1.
Please check your agent type and version and read on or switch to the right documentation.
This is still the latest Ruby on Rails documentation of the forest_liana
agent, you’re at the right place, please read on.
This is the documentation of the django-forestadmin
Django agent that will soon reach end-of-support.
If you’re using a Django agent, notice that django-forestadmin
v1 is replaced by v1.
If you’re using a Flask agent, go to the v1 documentation.
Please check your agent type and version and read on or switch to the right documentation.
This is the documentation of the forestadmin/laravel-forestadmin
Laravel agent that will soon reach end-of-support.
If you’re using a Laravel agent, notice that forestadmin/laravel-forestadmin
v1 is replaced by v3.
If you’re using a Symfony agent, go to the v1 documentation.
Please check your agent type and version and read on or switch to the right documentation.
This service wraps the and provides the following implementation:
Get a list of records (with Pagination and Filters handling)
Get a simple record
Create a record
Update an existing record
Delete a record
You need to add Elasticsearch Node.js client to your projectnpm install @elastic/elasticsearch
This utils takes an object representing a filter from the ForestAdmin UI and transforms it into a filter for Elasticsearch.
Date filters
Number filters
Text filters
Enum filters
We expose utils to parse filters through forest-express-sequelize since version 7.6.0
const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch');
// Our own utils that transform ForestAdmin filters to Elasticsearch one
const { esTranslateFilter } = require('../utils/filter-translator');
class ElasticsearchHelper {
// Allow to create a ElasticsearchHelper on your elastic index
// Get a List of Records based on the query (page, filter, search, sort)
functionSearch ({
pageSize, page, filters, options,
// Get a Record by Id
// Create a Record in your Elasticsearch index
// Update a Record in from your Elasticsearch index
// Remove a by Id
// Remove multiple Ids
module.exports = ElasticsearchHelper;
const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch');
const { esTranslateFilter } = require('../utils/filter-translator');
function baseMappingFunction(id, source) {
return {
class ElasticsearchHelper {
mappingFunction = baseMappingFunction,
}) {
if (!index) {
throw new Error(
'Your elasticsearch index for this collection is required !'
this.index = index;
this.filterDefinition = filterDefinition;
this.mappingFunction = mappingFunction;
this.sort = sort;
this.elasticsearchClient = new Client({ node: 'http://localhost:9200' });
* @param {{
* pageSize?: number
* page?: number
* }} params
* @param {any} booleanQuery Elasticsearch bool query
* @returns {Promise<Array<Record>>}
async esSearch({ pageSize, page }, booleanQuery) {
const size = pageSize || 20;
const from = ((page || 1) - 1) * size;
const response = await this.elasticsearchClient.search({
index: this.index,
body: {
query: {
bool: {
sort: this.sort,
return response.body.hits.hits.map((hit) =>
this.mappingFunction(hit._id, hit._source)
* @param {any} booleanQuery Elasticsearch bool query
* @returns {Promise<number>}
async esCount(booleanQuery) {
const response = await this.elasticsearchClient.count({
index: this.index,
body: {
query: {
bool: {
return Number(response.body.count);
* @param {{
* pageSize?: number
* page?: number
* filters: any
* options: any
* }} params
* @returns {Promise<{
* count: number;
* results: Array<Record>
* }>}
async functionSearch({ pageSize, page, filters, options }) {
const esFilter = esTranslateFilter(this.filterDefinition, filters, options);
const [results, count] = await Promise.all([
this.esSearch({ page, pageSize }, { filter: esFilter }),
this.esCount({ filter: esFilter }),
return {
* @param {string} id
* @returns {Promise<Record>}
async getRecord(id) {
const response = await this.elasticsearchClient.search({
index: this.index,
body: {
query: {
bool: {
filter: {
term: {
_id: id,
const hit = response.body.hits.hits[0];
if (!hit) {
return null;
return this.mappingFunction(hit._id, hit._source);
* @param {any} recordToCreate
* @returns {Promise<Record>}
async createRecord(recordToCreate) {
const response = await this.elasticsearchClient.index({
index: this.index,
body: recordToCreate,
op_type: 'create',
refresh: true,
return this.getRecord(response.body._id);
* @param {any} recordToUpdate
* @returns {Promise<Record>}
async updateRecord(recordToUpdate) {
const { id, ...propertiesToUpdate } = recordToUpdate;
await this.elasticsearchClient.update({
index: this.index,
body: {
doc: {
refresh: true,
return this.getRecord(id);
* @param {any} id
* @returns {Promise}
async removeRecord(id) {
await this.elasticsearchClient.delete({
index: this.index,
refresh: true,
* @param {Array<any>} idsToDelete
* @returns {Promise}
async removeRecords(idsToDelete) {
const body = idsToDelete.map((id) => {
return {
delete: {
_index: this.index,
_id: id,
await this.elasticsearchClient.bulk({
refresh: true,
module.exports = ElasticsearchHelper;
const { BaseOperatorDateParser } = require('forest-express-sequelize');
const moment = require('moment');
* @enum {string}
today: 'today',
yesterday: 'yesterday',
previous_week: 'previous_week',
previous_month: 'previous_month',
previous_quarter: 'previous_quarter',
previous_year: 'previous_year',
previous_week_to_date: 'previous_week_to_date',
previous_month_to_date: 'previous_month_to_date',
previous_quarter_to_date: 'previous_quarter_to_date',
previous_year_to_date: 'previous_year_to_date',
previous_x_days: 'previous_x_days',
previous_x_days_to_date: 'previous_x_days_to_date',
past: 'past',
future: 'future',
before_x_hours_ago: 'before_x_hours_ago',
after_x_hours_ago: 'after_x_hours_ago',
* @typedef {{
* field: string;
* operator: 'before' | 'after' | 'equal' | 'not_equal' | 'present' | 'blank' | 'today'
* | 'yesterday' | 'previous_x_days' | 'previous_week' | 'previous_month' | 'previous_quarter'
* | 'previous_year' | 'previous_x_days_to_date' | 'previous_week_to_date'
* | 'previous_month_to_date' | 'previous_quarter_to_date' | 'previous_year_to_date'
* | 'past' | 'future' | 'before_x_hours_ago' | 'after_x_hours_ago'
* value: string | null;
* }} OneFilter
* @typedef {{
* aggregator: 'and' | 'or'
* conditions: OneFilter[]
* }} FilterCombination
* @typedef {{
* timezone: string
* }} FilterOptions
* @enum {string}
date: 'date',
keyword: 'keyword',
text: 'text',
number: 'number',
* @param {FieldDefinition} fieldDefinition
* @param {OneFilter} oneFilter
* @param {FilterOptions} options
function equal(fieldDefinition, oneFilter, options) {
switch (fieldDefinition) {
const date = moment.tz(oneFilter.value, options.timezone);
return {
term: {
[oneFilter.field]: date.toISOString(),
case FIELD_DEFINITIONS.number: {
return {
terms: {
[oneFilter.field]: Array.isArray(oneFilter.value)
? oneFilter.value
: [oneFilter.value],
throw new Error('Invalid field type for operator equal');
* @param {(fieldDefinition: FieldDefinition, oneFilter: OneFilter, options: FilterOptions) => any}
* @param {FieldDefinition} fieldDefinition
* @param {OneFilter} oneFilter
* @param {FilterOptions} options
function not(mapper, fieldDefinition, oneFilter, options) {
return {
bool: {
must_not: mapper(fieldDefinition, oneFilter, options),
* @param {FieldDefinition} fieldDefinition
* @param {OneFilter} oneFilter
function present(fieldDefinition, oneFilter) {
return {
exists: {
field: oneFilter.field,
* @param {'gt' | 'lt'} rangeOperator
* @param {FieldDefinition} fieldDefinition
* @param {OneFilter} oneFilter
* @param {FilterOptions} options
function dateInRange(rangeOperator, fieldDefinition, oneFilter, options) {
if (fieldDefinition !== FIELD_DEFINITIONS.date) {
throw new Error('Invalid field type for operator after');
return {
range: {
[oneFilter.field]: {
[rangeOperator]: oneFilter.value,
time_zone: options.timezone,
* @param {FieldDefinition} fieldDefinition
* @param {OneFilter} oneFilter
function startsWith(fieldDefinition, oneFilter) {
if (
) {
throw new Error('Unsupported operator starts_with');
return {
wildcard: {
[oneFilter.field]: {
value: `${oneFilter.value}*`,
case_insensitive: true,
* @param {FieldDefinition} fieldDefinition
* @param {OneFilter} oneFilter
function endsWith(fieldDefinition, oneFilter) {
if (
) {
throw new Error('Unsupported operator ends_with');
return {
wildcard: {
[oneFilter.field]: {
value: `*${oneFilter.value}`,
case_insensitive: true,
* @param {FieldDefinition} fieldDefinition
* @param {OneFilter} oneFilter
function contains(fieldDefinition, oneFilter) {
if (
) {
throw new Error('Unsupported operator contains');
return {
wildcard: {
[oneFilter.field]: {
value: `*${oneFilter.value}*`,
case_insensitive: true,
* @param {FieldDefinition} fieldDefinition
* @param {OneFilter} oneFilter
function numberInRange(rangeOperator, fieldDefinition, oneFilter) {
if (![FIELD_DEFINITIONS.number].includes(fieldDefinition)) {
throw new Error(`Unsupported operator ${rangeOperator}`);
return {
range: {
[oneFilter.field]: {
[rangeOperator]: oneFilter.value,
* @param {BaseOperatorDateParser} operatorDateParser
* @param {OneFilter} filter
* @param {FilterOptions} options
* @returns { range: any}
function mapDateOperator(operatorDateParser, filter, options) {
return {
range: {
[filter.field]: {
...operatorDateParser.getDateFilter(filter.operator, filter.value),
time_zone: options.timezone,
const MAPPING = {
not_equal: not.bind(undefined, equal),
blank: not.bind(undefined, present),
before: dateInRange.bind(undefined, 'lt'),
after: dateInRange.bind(undefined, 'gt'),
starts_with: startsWith,
ends_with: endsWith,
not_contains: not.bind(undefined, contains),
greater_than: numberInRange.bind(undefined, 'gt'),
less_than: numberInRange.bind(undefined, 'lt'),
* @param {Record<string, FIELD_DEFINITIONS>} fieldDefinitions
* @param {BaseOperatorDateParser} operatorDateParser
* @param {FilterOptions} options
* @param {OneFilter} oneFilter
function mapFilter(fieldDefinitions, operatorDateParser, options, oneFilter) {
if (
fieldDefinitions[oneFilter.field] === FIELD_DEFINITIONS.date &&
) {
return mapDateOperator(operatorDateParser, oneFilter, options);
const mapper = MAPPING[oneFilter.operator];
const fieldDefinition = fieldDefinitions[oneFilter.field];
if (!mapper) {
throw new Error(
`Unknown operator ${oneFilter.operator}, you need to define it !`
if (!fieldDefinition) {
throw new Error(
`Unknown field ${oneFilter.field}, your field hasn't any field definition. Please check your ElasticsearchHelper configuration`
return mapper(fieldDefinition, oneFilter, options);
* Takes an object representing a filter from the UI
* and transforms it into a filter for elasticSearch
* @param {Record<string, FIELD_DEFINITIONS>} fieldDefinitions
* @param {FilterCombination | OneFilter} filters
* @param {FilterOptions} options
* @returns {any} A valid ES filter
function esTranslateFilter(fieldDefinitions, filters, options) {
if (!filters) {
return [];
const operatorDateParser = new BaseOperatorDateParser({
timezone: options.timezone,
operators: {
GTE: 'gte',
LTE: 'lte',
GT: 'gt',
LT: 'lt',
if (!filters.aggregator) {
return [mapFilter(fieldDefinitions, operatorDateParser, options, filters)];
const mapped = filters.conditions.map(
mapFilter.bind(undefined, fieldDefinitions, operatorDateParser, options)
if (filters.aggregator === 'and') {
return mapped;
return {
bool: {
should: mapped,
minimum_should_match: 1,
exports.esTranslateFilter = esTranslateFilter;