Please be sure of your agent type and version and pick the right documentation accordingly.
Node.js Ruby on Rails Python PHP
This is the documentation of the forest-express-sequelize
and forest-express-mongoose
Node.js agents that will soon reach end-of-support.
v9 and forest-express-mongoose
v9 are replaced by @forestadmin/agent
Please check your agent type and version and read on or switch to the right documentation.
This is still the latest Ruby on Rails documentation of the forest_liana
agent, you’re at the right place, please read on.
This is the documentation of the django-forestadmin
Django agent that will soon reach end-of-support.
If you’re using a Django agent, notice that django-forestadmin
v1 is replaced by forestadmin-agent-django
If you’re using a Flask agent, go to the forestadmin-agent-flask
v1 documentation.
Please check your agent type and version and read on or switch to the right documentation.
This is the documentation of the forestadmin/laravel-forestadmin
Laravel agent that will soon reach end-of-support.
If you’re using a Laravel agent, notice that forestadmin/laravel-forestadmin
v1 is replaced by forestadmin/laravel-forestadmin
If you’re using a Symfony agent, go to the forestadmin/symfony-forestadmin
v1 documentation.
Please check your agent type and version and read on or switch to the right documentation.
Another example
For the purpose of this example let's say we have an activity-logs
index in Elasticsearch with the following mapping.
Copy {
"mappings" : {
"_doc" : {
"dynamic" : "strict" ,
"properties" : {
"action" : {
"type" : "keyword"
} ,
"label" : {
"type" : "text" ,
"index_options" : "docs" ,
"norms" : false
} ,
"userId" : {
"type" : "keyword"
} ,
"collectionId" : {
"type" : "keyword"
} ,
"createdAt" : {
"type" : "date"
Creating the Smart Collection with related data
First, we declare the activity-logs
collection in the forest/
In this Smart Collection, we want to display for each activity log its action, the label (in a field description), the related user that made the activity, the collectionId on which the activity was made and the date the activity was made by the user.
You can check out the list of available field options if you need them for your own case.
Copy const { collection } = require ( 'forest-express-sequelize' );
const models = require ( '../models' );
collection ( 'activity-logs' , {
isSearchable : false ,
fields : [
field : 'id' ,
type : 'string' ,
} ,
field : 'action' ,
type : 'Enum' ,
isFilterable : true ,
enums : [
'create' ,
'read' ,
'update' ,
'delete' ,
'action' ,
'search' ,
'filter' ,
] ,
} ,
field : 'label' ,
type : 'String' ,
isFilterable : true ,
} ,
field : 'collectionId' ,
type : 'String' ,
isFilterable : true ,
} ,
field : 'userId' ,
type : 'String' ,
isFilterable : true ,
} ,
field : 'createdAt' ,
type : 'Date' ,
isFilterable : true ,
} ,
field : 'user' ,
type : 'Number' ,
reference : '' ,
get : async (activityLog) => {
// For search queries, the user is already loaded for performance reasons
if ( activityLog .user) {
return activityLog .user;
if ( ! activityLog .userId) {
return null ;
return models . users .findOne ({
attributes : [ 'id' , 'firstName' , 'lastName' , 'email' ] ,
paranoid : false ,
where : {
id : activityLog .userId ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
field : 'user_email' ,
type : 'String' ,
isFilterable : true ,
get : (activityLog) => {
// The field is declared after, when processed, the user has already been retrieved
return activityLog . user .email;
} ,
} ,
] ,
Implementing the GET (all records with a filter on related data)
This is a complex use case: How to handle filters on related data. We want to be able to filter using the user.mail
To accommodate you we already provide you a simple service ElasticsearchHelper
that handles all the logic to connect with your Elasticsearch data.
Copy const express = require ( 'express' );
const router = express .Router ();
const models = require ( '../models' );
// We need parseFilter utils to create the where clause for sequelize
const {
RecordSerializer ,
Schemas ,
parseFilter ,
} = require ( 'forest-express-sequelize' );
const ElasticsearchHelper = require ( '../service/elasticsearch-helper' );
const { FIELD_DEFINITIONS } = require ( '../utils/filter-translator' );
const serializer = new RecordSerializer ({ name : 'es-activity-logs' });
// Custom mapping function
function mapActivityLog (id , source) {
const { createdAt , ... simpleProperties } = source;
return {
id ,
... simpleProperties ,
createdAt : source .createdAt ? new Date ( source .createdAt) : null ,
const configuration = {
index : 'activity-logs-*' ,
filterDefinition : {
action : FIELD_DEFINITIONS .keyword ,
label : FIELD_DEFINITIONS .text ,
collectionId : FIELD_DEFINITIONS .keyword ,
userId : FIELD_DEFINITIONS .keyword ,
createdAt : FIELD_DEFINITIONS .date ,
} ,
mappingFunction : mapActivityLog ,
sort : [{ createdAt : { order : 'desc' } }] ,
const elasticsearchHelper = new ElasticsearchHelper (configuration);
// Specific implementation to handle related data
async function computeUserFilter (models , filter , options) {
const where = await parseFilter (
... filter ,
field : filter . field .replace ( 'user_' , '' ) ,
} ,
Schemas . schemas .users ,
options .timezone
const users = await models . users .findAll ({
where ,
attributes : [ 'id' ] ,
paranoid : false ,
return {
operator : 'equal' ,
field : 'userId' ,
value : users .map ((user) => user .id) ,
async function computeFilterOnRelatedEntity (models , options , filter) {
if ( filter .field === 'user_email' ) {
return computeUserFilter (models , filter , options);
return filter;
async function computeFiltersOnRelatedEntities (models , filters , options) {
if ( ! filters) {
return undefined ;
if ( ! filters .aggregator) {
return computeFilterOnRelatedEntity (models , options , filters);
return {
... filters ,
conditions : await Promise .all (
filters . conditions .map (
computeFilterOnRelatedEntity .bind ( undefined , models , options)
) ,
router .get ( '/es-activity-logs' , async (request , response , next) => {
try {
const pageSize = Number ( request ?. query ?. page ?.size) || 20 ;
const page = Number ( request ?. query ?. page ?.number) || 1 ;
const options = { timezone : request . query ?.timezone };
let filters;
try {
filters = request . query ?.filters && JSON .parse ( request . query .filters);
} catch (e) {
filters = undefined ;
const filtersWithRelatedEntities = await computeFiltersOnRelatedEntities (
models ,
filters ,
const result = await elasticsearchHelper .functionSearch ({
page ,
pageSize ,
filters : filtersWithRelatedEntities || undefined ,
options ,
response .send ({
... ( await serializer .serialize ( result .results)) ,
meta : {
count : result .count ,
} ,
} catch (e) {
next (e);
module . exports = router;
Implementing the GET (all records with the search)
Another way to search through related data is to implement your own search logic.
Copy const express = require ( 'express' );
const router = express .Router ();
const models = require ( '../models' );
const Sequelize = require ( 'sequelize' );
const { RecordSerializer } = require ( 'forest-express-sequelize' );
const ElasticsearchHelper = require ( '../service/elasticsearch-helper' );
const { FIELD_DEFINITIONS } = require ( '../utils/filter-translator' );
const serializer = new RecordSerializer ({ name : 'es-activity-logs' });
// Custom mapping function
function mapActivityLog (id , source) {
const { createdAt , ... simpleProperties } = source;
return {
id ,
... simpleProperties ,
createdAt : source .createdAt ? new Date ( source .createdAt) : null ,
const configuration = {
index : 'activity-logs-*' ,
filterDefinition : {
action : FIELD_DEFINITIONS .keyword ,
label : FIELD_DEFINITIONS .text ,
collectionId : FIELD_DEFINITIONS .keyword ,
userId : FIELD_DEFINITIONS .keyword ,
createdAt : FIELD_DEFINITIONS .date ,
} ,
mappingFunction : mapActivityLog ,
sort : [{ createdAt : { order : 'desc' } }] ,
const elasticsearchHelper = new ElasticsearchHelper (configuration);
router .get ( '/es-activity-logs' , async (request , response , next) => {
try {
const pageSize = Number ( request ?. query ?. page ?.size) || 20 ;
const page = Number ( request ?. query ?. page ?.number) || 1 ;
const search = request . query ?.search;
// NOTICE: search all user ids whom firstName or lastName or email match %search%
const { Op } = Sequelize;
const where = {};
const searchCondition = { [ Op .iLike] : `% ${ search } %` };
where[ Op .or] = [
{ firstName : searchCondition } ,
{ lastName : searchCondition } ,
{ email : searchCondition } ,
const userIdsFromSearch = await models . users .findAll ({
where ,
attributes : [ 'id' ] ,
paranoid : false ,
// NOTICE: Create a custom boolean query for Elasticsearch
const booleanQuery = {
should : [
terms : {
userId : userIdsFromSearch .map ((user) => user .id) ,
} ,
} ,
] ,
minimum_should_match : 1 ,
// NOTICE: Use the elasticsearchHelper to query Elasticsearch
const [ results , count ] = await Promise .all ([
elasticsearchHelper .esSearch ({ page , pageSize } , booleanQuery) ,
elasticsearchHelper .esCount (booleanQuery) ,
response .send ({
... ( await serializer .serialize (results)) ,
meta : {
count : count ,
} ,
} catch (e) {
next (e);
module . exports = router;
Last updated 10 months ago