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Create a record with a multiselect through a many-to-many relationship
Context: In this case, a card has many expense categories through a many to many relationships, using a join table (card expense categories). We want to be able to create a card, selecting the categories, and creating the card expense categories at the same time.
We will use a smart action form with a hook to retrieve the categories as values for the multi select.
Then we implement the creation of cards and expenseCategories in the form.
constexpress=require('express');const { PermissionMiddlewareCreator } =require('forest-express-sequelize');const {cards,cardExpenseCategories,expenseCategories,} =require('../models');constrouter=express.Router();constpermissionMiddlewareCreator=newPermissionMiddlewareCreator('cards');// This file contains the logic of every route in Forest Admin for the collection cards:// - Native routes are already generated but can be extended/overridden - Learn how to extend a route here: <>// - Smart action routes will need to be added as you create new Smart Actions - Learn how to create a Smart Action here: <>//...//Smart action - Create a'/actions/create-card',permissionMiddlewareCreator.smartAction(), (req, res) => {let attrs; categories_attrs = attrs['categories']; attrs = { name: attrs['name'], userId: attrs['user'] };return cards.create(attrs).then((card) => {categories_attrs.forEach((category) => {return expenseCategories.findOne({ where: { title: category } }).then((expenseCategory) =>cardExpenseCategories.create({,, }) ); }); }).then(() => {res.send({ success:'Your card is created!', refresh: { relationships: ['cardExpensesCategories'] }, }); }); });