
Please be sure of your agent type and version and pick the right documentation accordingly.

This is the documentation of the forest-express-sequelize and forest-express-mongoose Node.js agents that will soon reach end-of-support.

forest-express-sequelize v9 and forest-express-mongoose v9 are replaced by @forestadmin/agent v1.

Please check your agent type and version and read on or switch to the right documentation.


The forest environments command is very useful as it allows you to manage your environments. But the sub command that we're more specifically interested in when it comes to developing on Forest Admin is:

$ forest environments:reset --help
Reset a remote environment by removing all layout changes

  $ forest environments:reset

  -e, --environment=environment  The remote environment name to reset.
  -p, --projectId=projectId      The id of the project to work on.
  --force                        Skip reset changes confirmation.

As you've learnt in previous pages, the forest push command lets you push changes made in the layout to a remote environments and later deploy them to your production.

Sometimes though, there comes a time when you've stacked too many layout changes on a remote environment and just want to get rid of them.

Unlike a branch which you can just dispose of, for a remote environment you need a way to clean it easily, this is where the forest environments:reset command comes in.

Last updated

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