Please be sure of your agent type and version and pick the right documentation accordingly.
This is the documentation of the forest-express-sequelize
and forest-express-mongoose
Node.js agents that will soon reach end-of-support.
v9 and forest-express-mongoose
v9 are replaced by @forestadmin/agent
Please check your agent type and version and read on or switch to the right documentation.
This is still the latest Ruby on Rails documentation of the forest_liana
agent, you’re at the right place, please read on.
This is the documentation of the django-forestadmin
Django agent that will soon reach end-of-support.
If you’re using a Django agent, notice that django-forestadmin
v1 is replaced by forestadmin-agent-django
If you’re using a Flask agent, go to the forestadmin-agent-flask
v1 documentation.
Please check your agent type and version and read on or switch to the right documentation.
This is the documentation of the forestadmin/laravel-forestadmin
Laravel agent that will soon reach end-of-support.
If you’re using a Laravel agent, notice that forestadmin/laravel-forestadmin
v1 is replaced by forestadmin/laravel-forestadmin
If you’re using a Symfony agent, go to the forestadmin/symfony-forestadmin
v1 documentation.
Please check your agent type and version and read on or switch to the right documentation.
Add an HTML credit card as a smart field in a summary view
const { collection } = require('forest-express-sequelize');
const { companies, documents } = require('../models');
// This file allows you to add to your Forest UI:
// - Smart actions: <>
// - Smart fields: <>
// - Smart relationships: <>
// - Smart segments: <>
collection('companies', {
actions: [],
fields: [
field: 'Creditcard',
type: 'String',
get: (company) => {
if (company.creditCard) {
return `<div class="card-wrapper">
<div class="card-container" style="font-size: 14px; border-radius: 10px; width: 250px; height: 140px; background-color: #444857; color: white; padding: 10px">
<div class="card-number-container" style="margin-top: 5px">
<div class="card-info-title" style="color: #9399af; ">card number</div>
<div class="card-info-value" style="font-size: 12px">${company.creditCard.card_number
.join(' ')}</div>
<div class="card-name-date-container" style= "display: flex; margin-top: 20px">
<div class="card-name-container">
<div class="card-info-title" style="color: #9399af; ">card holder</div>
<div class="card-info-value" style="font-size: 12px">${
? company.creditCard.card_holder
<div class="card-date-container" style="margin: auto">
<div class="card-info-title" style="color: #9399af; ">expires at</div>
<div class="card-info-value" style="font-size: 12px">${
segments: [],
Use the rich text editor widget in order to interpret HTML in your field.