

The forest branch command is at the center of what your Forest Admin development workflow should look like. As explained on this page, it allows you to manage your UI, a bit like you would use git's branches for your code.

$ forest branch --help
Create a new branch or list your existing branches.

  $ forest branch [BRANCH_NAME]

  BRANCH_NAME  The name of the branch to create.

  -d, --delete            Delete the branch.
  -f, --format=table|json [default: table] Output format.
  -o, --origin=origin     Set the origin of the created branch.
  --force                 When deleting a branch, skip confirmation.
  --help                  Display usage information.
  --projectId=projectId   The id of the project to create a branch in.

Here are a few extra details on how it works.

The forest branch command has 3 uses, depending on how you use it:

  • List branches

  • Create branches

  • Delete branches

Listing existing branches

To list your existing branches, simply omit any argument to the command:

$ forest branch
NAME                    ORIGIN      IS CURRENT  CLOSED AT
feature/new-button      production  ✅
fix-missing-label       staging
feature/remove-tooltip  preprod                 2022-08-19T08:08:47.678Z

IS CURRENT indicates your currently selected branch: your project's UI will locally be displayed according to this branch's layout settings.

Creating a new branch

To create a new branch, append the name of the branch you wish to create after forest branch, like so:

$ forest branch feature/new-ops-feature --origin production
✅ Switched to new branch: feature/new-ops-feature

Note that your project must be deployed remotely before you can start using branches:

$ forest branch add-refund-action
❌ You cannot create a branch until this project has either a remote or a production environment.

Any branch reflects LayoutChange(s) (i.e. changes in your UI) that you've made on that branch: to make this possible, a branch needs an origin, which is the state of the layout you started from and made those LayoutChange(s) on. This is why you need to have a production environment (ideally) or simply a remote environment: those environments can serve as origin to your branches.

Deleting a branch

To delete a branch, simply add the -d option and a branch name to the forest branch command:

$ forest branch -d hotfix/fix-dropdown-issue
[? Delete branch "hotfix/fix-dropdown-issue"? Y
✅ Branch hotfix/fix-dropdown-issue successfully deleted.

You will be prompted for confirmation before deleting a branch. To skip that confirmation, use the --force option.

Last updated

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