
Please be sure of your agent type and version and pick the right documentation accordingly.

This is the documentation of the forest-express-sequelize and forest-express-mongoose Node.js agents that will soon reach end-of-support.

forest-express-sequelize v9 and forest-express-mongoose v9 are replaced by @forestadmin/agent v1.

Please check your agent type and version and read on or switch to the right documentation.


The forest branch command is at the center of what your Forest Admin development workflow should look like. As explained on this page, it allows you to manage your UI, a bit like you would use git's branches for your code.

$ forest branch --help
Create a new branch or list your existing branches.

  $ forest branch [BRANCH_NAME]

  BRANCH_NAME  The name of the branch to create.

  -d, --delete            Delete the branch.
  -f, --format=table|json [default: table] Output format.
  -o, --origin=origin     Set the origin of the created branch.
  --force                 When deleting a branch, skip confirmation.
  --help                  Display usage information.
  --projectId=projectId   The id of the project to create a branch in.

Here are a few extra details on how it works.

The forest branch command has 3 uses, depending on how you use it:

  • List branches

  • Create branches

  • Delete branches

Listing existing branches

To list your existing branches, simply omit any argument to the command:

$ forest branch
NAME                    ORIGIN      IS CURRENT  CLOSED AT
feature/new-button      production  ✅
fix-missing-label       staging
feature/remove-tooltip  preprod                 2022-08-19T08:08:47.678Z

IS CURRENT indicates your currently selected branch: your project's UI will locally be displayed according to this branch's layout settings.

Creating a new branch

To create a new branch, append the name of the branch you wish to create after forest branch, like so:

$ forest branch feature/new-ops-feature --origin production
✅ Switched to new branch: feature/new-ops-feature

There is no specific constraint on branch names, though kebab-case is generally used.

However, keep in mind that your branch name must be unique in the project.

Note that your project must be deployed remotely before you can start using branches:

$ forest branch add-refund-action
❌ You cannot create a branch until this project has either a remote or a production environment.

Any branch reflects LayoutChange(s) (i.e. changes in your UI) that you've made on that branch: to make this possible, a branch needs an origin, which is the state of the layout you started from and made those LayoutChange(s) on. This is why you need to have a production environment (ideally) or simply a remote environment: those environments can serve as origin to your branches.

Deleting a branch

To delete a branch, simply add the -d option and a branch name to the forest branch command:

$ forest branch -d hotfix/fix-dropdown-issue
[? Delete branch "hotfix/fix-dropdown-issue"? Y
✅ Branch hotfix/fix-dropdown-issue successfully deleted.

You will be prompted for confirmation before deleting a branch. To skip that confirmation, use the --force option.

Last updated

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