Use a Smart Action Form
Please be sure of your agent type and version and pick the right documentation accordingly.
This is the documentation of the forest-express-sequelize
and forest-express-mongoose
Node.js agents that will soon reach end-of-support.
v9 and forest-express-mongoose
v9 are replaced by @forestadmin/agent
Please check your agent type and version and read on or switch to the right documentation.
This is still the latest Ruby on Rails documentation of the forest_liana
agent, you’re at the right place, please read on.
This is the documentation of the django-forestadmin
Django agent that will soon reach end-of-support.
If you’re using a Django agent, notice that django-forestadmin
v1 is replaced by forestadmin-agent-django
If you’re using a Flask agent, go to the forestadmin-agent-flask
v1 documentation.
Please check your agent type and version and read on or switch to the right documentation.
This is the documentation of the forestadmin/laravel-forestadmin
Laravel agent that will soon reach end-of-support.
If you’re using a Laravel agent, notice that forestadmin/laravel-forestadmin
v1 is replaced by forestadmin/laravel-forestadmin
If you’re using a Symfony agent, go to the forestadmin/symfony-forestadmin
v1 documentation.
Please check your agent type and version and read on or switch to the right documentation.
Use a Smart Action Form
We've just introduced Smart actions: they're great because you can execute virtually any business logic. However, there is one big part missing: how do you let your users provide more information or have interaction when they trigger the Smart action? In short, you need to open a Smart Action Form.
Opening a Smart Action Form
Very often, you will need to ask user inputs before triggering the logic behind a Smart Action. For example, you might want to specify a reason if you want to block a user account. Or set the amount to charge a user’s credit card.
On our Live Demo example, we’ve defined 4 input fields on the Smart Action Upload Legal Docs
on the collection companies
const { collection } = require('forest-express-sequelize');
collection('companies', {
actions: [
name: 'Upload Legal Docs',
type: 'single',
fields: [
field: 'Certificate of Incorporation',
'The legal document relating to the formation of a company or corporation.',
type: 'File',
isRequired: true,
field: 'Proof of address',
'(Electricity, Gas, Water, Internet, Landline & Mobile Phone Invoice / Payment Schedule) no older than 3 months of the legal representative of your company',
type: 'File',
isRequired: true,
field: 'Company bank statement',
description: 'PDF including company name as well as IBAN',
type: 'File',
isRequired: true,
field: 'Valid proof of ID',
'ID card or passport if the document has been issued in the EU, EFTA, or EEA / ID card or passport + resident permit or driving license if the document has been issued outside the EU, EFTA, or EEA of the legal representative of your company',
type: 'File',
isRequired: true,
const { PermissionMiddlewareCreator } = require('forest-express-sequelize');
const permissionMiddlewareCreator = new PermissionMiddlewareCreator('companies');
...'/actions/upload-legal-docs', permissionMiddlewareCreator.smartAction(),
(req, res) => {
// Get the current company id
let companyId =[0];
// Get the values of the input fields entered by the admin user.
let attrs =;
let certificate_of_incorporation = attrs['Certificate of Incorporation'];
let proof_of_address = attrs['Proof of address'];
let company_bank_statement = attrs['Company bank statement'];
let passport_id = attrs['Valid proof of id'];
// The business logic of the Smart Action. We use the function
// UploadLegalDoc to upload them to our S3 repository. You can see the full
// implementation on our Forest Live Demo repository on Github.
return P.all([
uploadLegalDoc(companyId, certificate_of_incorporation, 'certificate_of_incorporation_id'),
uploadLegalDoc(companyId, proof_of_address, 'proof_of_address_id'),
uploadLegalDoc(companyId, company_bank_statement,'bank_statement_id'),
uploadLegalDoc(companyId, passport_id, 'passport_id'),
.then(() => {
// Once the upload is finished, send a success message to the admin user in the UI.
res.send({ success: 'Legal documents are successfully uploaded.' });
module.exports = router;
On our Live Demo example, we’ve defined 4 input fields on the Smart Action Upload Legal Docs
on the collection companies
const { collection } = require('forest-express-mongoose');
collection('companies', {
actions: [{
name: 'Upload Legal Docs',
type: 'single',
fields: [{
field: 'Certificate of Incorporation',
description: 'The legal document relating to the formation of a company or corporation.',
type: 'File',
isRequired: true
}, {
field: 'Proof of address',
description: '(Electricity, Gas, Water, Internet, Landline & Mobile Phone Invoice / Payment Schedule) no older than 3 months of the legal representative of your company',
type: 'File',
isRequired: true
}, {
field: 'Company bank statement',
description: 'PDF including company name as well as IBAN',
type: 'File',
isRequired: true
}, {
field: 'Valid proof of ID',
description: 'ID card or passport if the document has been issued in the EU, EFTA, or EEA / ID card or passport + resident permit or driving license if the document has been issued outside the EU, EFTA, or EEA of the legal representative of your company',
type: 'File',
isRequired: true
(req, res) => {
// Get the current company id
let companyId =[0];
// Get the values of the input fields entered by the admin user.
let attrs =;
let certificate_of_incorporation = attrs['Certificate of Incorporation'];
let proof_of_address = attrs['Proof of address'];
let company_bank_statement = attrs['Company bank statement'];
let passport_id = attrs['Valid proof of id'];
// The business logic of the Smart Action. We use the function
// UploadLegalDoc to upload them to our S3 repository. You can see the full
// implementation on our Forest Live Demo repository on Github.
return P.all([
uploadLegalDoc(companyId, certificate_of_incorporation, 'certificate_of_incorporation_id'),
uploadLegalDoc(companyId, proof_of_address, 'proof_of_address_id'),
uploadLegalDoc(companyId, company_bank_statement,'bank_statement_id'),
uploadLegalDoc(companyId, passport_id, 'passport_id'),
.then(() => {
// Once the upload is finished, send a success message to the admin user in the UI.
res.send({ success: 'Legal documents are successfully uploaded.' });
module.exports = router;
On our Live Demo example, we’ve defined 4 input fields on the Smart Action Upload Legal Docs
on the collection Company
class Forest::Company
include ForestLiana::Collection
collection :Company
action 'Upload Legal Docs', type: 'single', fields: [{
field: 'Certificate of Incorporation',
description: 'The legal document relating to the formation of a company or corporation.',
type: 'File',
is_required: true
}, {
field: 'Proof of address',
description: '(Electricity, Gas, Water, Internet, Landline & Mobile Phone Invoice / Payment Schedule) no older than 3 months of the legal representative of your company',
type: 'File',
is_required: true
}, {
field: 'Company bank statement',
description: 'PDF including company name as well as IBAN',
type: 'File',
is_required: true
}, {
field: 'Valid proof of ID',
description: 'ID card or passport if the document has been issued in the EU, EFTA, or EEA / ID card or passport + resident permit or driving license if the document has been issued outside the EU, EFTA, or EEA of the legal representative of your company',
type: 'File',
is_required: true
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# MUST be declared before the mount ForestLiana::Engine.
namespace :forest do
post '/actions/upload-legal-docs' => 'companies#upload_legal_docs'
mount ForestLiana::Engine => '/forest'
class Forest::CompaniesController < ForestLiana::SmartActionsController
def upload_legal_doc(company_id, doc, field)
id = SecureRandom.uuid, "livedemo/legal/#{id}")
company = Company.find(company_id)
company[field] = id
file_id: company[field],
is_verified: true
def upload_legal_docs
# Get the current company id
company_id = ForestLiana::ResourcesGetter.get_ids_from_request(params, forest_user).first
# Get the values of the input fields entered by the admin user.
attrs = params.dig('data', 'attributes', 'values')
certificate_of_incorporation = attrs['Certificate of Incorporation'];
proof_of_address = attrs['Proof of address'];
company_bank_statement = attrs['Company bank statement'];
passport_id = attrs['Valid proof of ID'];
# The business logic of the Smart Action. We use the function
# upload_legal_doc to upload them to our S3 repository. You can see the
# full implementation on our Forest Live Demo repository on Github.
upload_legal_doc(company_id, certificate_of_incorporation, 'certificate_of_incorporation_id')
upload_legal_doc(company_id, proof_of_address, 'proof_of_address_id')
upload_legal_doc(company_id, company_bank_statement, 'bank_statement_id')
upload_legal_doc(company_id, passport_id, 'passport_id')
# Once the upload is finished, send a success message to the admin user in the UI.
render json: { success: 'Legal documents are successfully uploaded.' }
On our Live Demo example, we’ve defined 4 input fields on the Smart Action Upload Legal Docs
on the collection Company
from django_forest.utils.collection import Collection
from app.models import Company
class CompanyForest(Collection):
def load(self):
self.actions = [{
'name': 'Upload Legal Docs',
'fields': [
'field': 'Certificate of Incorporation',
'description': 'The legal document relating to the formation of a company or corporation.',
'isRequired': True,
'type': 'File'
'field': 'Proof of address',
'description': '(Electricity, Gas, Water, Internet, Landline & Mobile Phone Invoice / Payment Schedule) no older than 3 months of the legal representative of your company',
'isRequired': True,
'type': 'File'
'field': 'Company bank statement',
'description': 'PDF including company name as well as IBAN',
'isRequired': True,
'type': 'File'
'field': 'Valid proof of ID',
'description': 'ID card or passport if the document has been issued in the EU, EFTA, or EEA / ID card or passport + resident permit or driving license if the document has been issued outside the EU, EFTA, or EEA of the legal representative of your company',
'isRequired': True,
'type': 'File'
Collection.register(CompanyForest, Company)
Ensure the file app/forest/ exists and contains the import of the previous defined class :
from app.forest.companies import CompanyForest
from django.urls import path
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from . import views
app_name = 'app'
urlpatterns = [
path('/actions/upload-legal-docs', csrf_exempt(views.UploadLegalDocsView.as_view()), name='upload-legal-docs'),
from django.http import JsonResponse
from django_forest.utils.views.action import ActionView
class UploadLegalDocsView(ActionView):
def upload_legal_doc(company_id, doc, field):
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
params = request.GET.dict()
body = self.get_body(request.body)
ids = self.get_ids_from_request(request, self.Model)
# Get the current company id
company_id = ids[0]
# Get the values of the input fields entered by the admin user.
attrs = body['data']['attributes']['values']
certificate_of_incorporation = attrs['Certificate of Incorporation']
proof_of_address = attrs['Proof of address']
company_bank_statement = attrs['Company bank statement']
passport_id = attrs['Valid proof of ID']
# The business logic of the Smart Action. We use the function
# upload_legal_doc to upload them to our S3 repository. You can see the
# full implementation on our Forest Live Demo repository on Github.
self.upload_legal_doc(company_id, certificate_of_incorporation, 'certificate_of_incorporation_id')
self.upload_legal_doc(company_id, proof_of_address, 'proof_of_address_id')
self.upload_legal_doc(company_id, company_bank_statement, 'bank_statement_id')
self.upload_legal_doc(company_id, passport_id, 'passport_id')
# Once the upload is finished, send a success message to the admin user in the UI.
return JsonResponse({'success': 'Legal documents are successfully uploaded.'})
On our Live Demo example, we’ve defined 4 input fields on the Smart Action Upload Legal Docs
on the collection Company
The 2nd parameter of the SmartAction
method is not required. If you don't fill it, the name of your smartAction will be the name of your method that wrap it.
namespace App\Models;
use ForestAdmin\LaravelForestAdmin\Services\Concerns\ForestCollection;
use ForestAdmin\LaravelForestAdmin\Services\SmartFeatures\SmartAction;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
* Class Company
class Company extends Model
use HasFactory, ForestCollection;
* @return SmartAction
public function UploadLegalDocs(): SmartAction
return $this->smartAction('single', 'Upload Legal Docs')
'field' => 'Certificate of Incorporation',
'type' => 'File',
'is_required' => true,
'description' => 'The legal document relating to the formation of a company or corporation.'
'field' => 'Proof of address',
'type' => 'File',
'is_required' => false,
'description' => '(Electricity, Gas, Water, Internet, Landline & Mobile Phone Invoice / Payment Schedule) no older than 3 months of the legal representative of your company'
'field' => 'Company bank statement',
'type' => 'File',
'is_required' => true,
'description' => 'PDF including company name as well as IBAN'
'field' => 'Valid proof of ID',
'type' => 'File',
'is_required' => true,
'description' => 'ID card or passport if the document has been issued in the EU, EFTA, or EEA / ID card or passport + resident permit or driving license if the document has been issued outside the EU, EFTA, or EEA of the legal representative of your company'
Route::post('forest/smart-actions/company_upload-legal-docs', [CompaniesController::class, 'uploadLegalDocs']);
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Models\Company;
use ForestAdmin\LaravelForestAdmin\Http\Controllers\ForestController;
use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\Response;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
* Class CompaniesController
class CompaniesController extends ForestController
* @return JsonResponse
public function uploadLegalDocs()
$companyId = request()->input('data.attributes.ids')[0];
$files = request()->input('data.attributes.values');
foreach ($files as $key => $file)
$data = explode(";base64,", $file);
Storage::disk('s3')->put($key . '-' . $companyId, base64_decode($data[1]));
return response()->json(
'success' => 'Legal documents are successfully uploaded.',
Handling input values
Here is the list of available options to customize your input form.
Label of the input field.
string or array
Type of your field.
(optional) Specify that the input is a reference to another collection. You must specify the primary key (ex:
array of strings
(optional) Required only for the Enum
type. This is where you list all the possible values for your input field.
(optional) Add a description for your admin users to help them fill correctly your form
(optional) If true
, your input field will be set as required in the browser. Default is false
(optional) Specify the change hook. If specified the corresponding hook is called when the input change
(optional) The following widgets are available to your smart action fields (text area
, date
, boolean
, file,
The widget
property is only partially supported. If you want to use a custom widget via a Smart Action Hook, you'll need to use the syntax mentioned in the next section.
Use components to better layout your form
This feature is only available from version 9.4.0 (forest-express-sequelize
and forest-express-mongoose
) / version 9.4.0 (forest-rails
) .
you must define your layout in a load
hook at minima, and repeat it in each change
This feature is useful when dealing with long/complex forms, with many fields. It will let you organize them and add useful information to guide the end user. The layout must contain the fields as they should be rendered on the form.
List of supported layout components
// Page
type: 'Layout',
component: 'Page',
elements: [] // An array of fields or other layout elements (except other pages)
// Row
type: 'Layout',
component: 'Row',
fields: [] // An array of one or two fields
// Separator
type: 'Layout',
component: 'Separator',
// Html bloc
type: 'Layout',
component: 'HtmlBlock',
content: '...' // A text content, which supports html tags
# Page
type: 'Layout',
component: 'Page',
elements: [] # An array of fields or other layout elements (except other pages)
# Row
type: 'Layout',
component: 'Row',
fields: [] # An array of one or two fields
# Separator
type: 'Layout',
component: 'Separator',
# Html bloc
type: 'Layout',
component: 'HtmlBlock',
content: '...' # A text content, which supports html tags
Here's an example of an action form with many fields, that we want to improve with some layout components, to make it easier for the end user to fill in.
const applyLayout = (fields) => {
const fieldByName = (name) => fields.find((field) => field.field === name);
return [
type: 'Layout',
component: 'Page',
elements: [
type: 'Layout',
component: 'HtmlBlock',
content: '<h3>Please fill in the customer details <b>first</b>, following this <a href="https://how-to-invoice.doc.example">guide</a></h3>'
type: 'Layout',
component: 'Row',
fields: [fieldByName('firstname'), fieldByName('lastname')]
{ type: 'Layout', component: 'Separator' },
type: 'Layout',
component: 'Page',
elements: [
type: 'Layout',
component: 'HtmlBlock',
content: 'You may now enter his address details'
type: 'Layout',
component: 'Row',
fields: [fieldByName('city'), fieldByName('zip code')]
collection('customers', {
actions: [
name: 'Send invoice',
type: 'single',
fields: [
field: 'firstname',
type: 'String',
isRequired: true,
field: 'lastname',
type: 'String',
isRequired: true,
field: 'username',
type: 'String',
field: 'email',
type: 'String',
isRequired: true,
field: 'country',
type: 'Enum',
enums: [],
field: 'city',
type: 'String',
hook: 'onCityChange',
field: 'zip code',
type: 'String',
hook: 'onZipCodeChange',
hooks: {
load: async ({ fields }) => {
return applyLayout(fields);
change: {
onCityChange: async ({ fields }) => {
return applyLayout(fields);
onZipCodeChange: async ({ fields }) => {
return applyLayout(fields);
fields: [],
segments: [],
class Forest::Customers
include ForestLiana::Collection
collection :Customers
def self.apply_layout(fields)
find_field_by_name = proc { |field_name| fields.find { |field| field[:field] == field_name } }
type: 'Layout',
component: 'Page',
elements: [
type: 'Layout',
component: 'HtmlBlock',
content: '<h3>Please fill in the customer details <b>first</b>, following this <a href="https://how-to-invoice.doc.example">guide</a></h3>'
type: 'Layout',
component: 'Row',
fields: ['firstname'),'lastname')]
{ type: 'Layout', component: 'Separator' },'username'),'email'),
type: 'Layout',
component: 'Page',
elements: [
type: 'Layout',
component: 'HtmlBlock',
content: 'You may now enter his address details'
type: 'Layout',
component: 'Row',
fields: ['city'),'zip code')]
action 'Send invoice',
type: 'single',
fields: [
field: 'firstname',
type: 'String',
is_required: true,
field: 'lastname',
type: 'String',
is_required: true,
field: 'username',
type: 'String',
field: 'email',
type: 'String',
is_required: true,
field: 'country',
type: 'Enum',
enums: [],
field: 'city',
type: 'String',
hook: 'on_city_change',
field: 'zip code',
type: 'String',
hook: 'on_zip_code_change',
hooks: {
load: proc { |context| apply_layout(context[:fields]) },
change: {
'on_city_change' => proc { |context| apply_layout(context[:fields]) },
'on_zip_code_change' => proc { |context| apply_layout(context[:fields]) },
The resulting action form will be:
Making a form dynamic with hooks
Business logic often requires your forms to adapt to its context. Forest Admin makes this possible through a powerful way to extend your form's logic.
To make Smart Action Forms dynamic, we've introduced the concept of hooks: hooks allow you to run some logic upon a specific event.
The load
hook is called when the form loads, allowing you to change its properties upon load.
The change
hook is called whenever you interact with a field of the form.
Prefill a form with default values
Forest Admin allows you to set default values of your form. In this example, we will prefill the form with data coming from the record itself (1), with just a few extra lines of code.
const { collection } = require('forest-express-sequelize');
const { customers } = require('../models');
collection('Customers', {
actions: [{
name: 'Charge credit card',
type: 'single',
fields: [{
field: 'amount',
isRequired: true,
description: 'The amount (USD) to charge the credit card. Example: 42.50',
type: 'Number'
}, {
field: 'description',
isRequired: true,
description: 'Explain the reason why you want to charge manually the customer here',
type: 'String'
}, {
// we added a field to show the full potential of prefilled values in this example
field: 'stripe_id',
isRequired: true,
type: 'String'
hooks: {
load: async ({ fields, request }) => {
const amount = fields.find(field => field.field === 'amount');
const stripeId = fields.find(field => field.field === 'stripe_id');
amount.value = 4520;
const id =[0];
const customer = await customers.findByPk(id);
stripeId.value = customer.stripe_id;
return fields;
const { collection } = require('forest-express-mongoose');
const { customers } = require('../models');
collection('Customers', {
actions: [{
name: 'Charge credit card',
type: 'single',
fields: [{
field: 'amount',
isRequired: true,
description: 'The amount (USD) to charge the credit card. Example: 42.50',
type: 'Number'
}, {
field: 'description',
isRequired: true,
description: 'Explain the reason why you want to charge manually the customer here',
type: 'String'
}, {
// we added a field to show the full potential of prefilled values in this example
field: 'stripe_id',
isRequired: true,
type: 'String'
hooks: {
load: async ({ fields, request }) => {
const amount = fields.find(field => field.field === 'amount');
const stripeId = fields.find(field => field.field === 'stripe_id');
amount.value = 4520;
const id =[0];
const customer = await customers.findByPk(id);
stripeId.value = customer.stripe_id;
return fields;
class Forest::Customers
include ForestLiana::Collection
collection :Customers
action 'Charge credit card',
type: 'single',
fields: [{
field: 'amount',
isRequired: true,
description: 'The amount (USD) to charge the credit card. Example: 42.50',
type: 'Number'
}, {
field: 'description',
isRequired: true,
description: 'Explain the reason why you want to charge manually the customer here',
type: 'String'
}, {
# we added a field to show the full potential of prefilled values in this example
field: 'stripe_id',
isRequired: true,
type: 'String'
:hooks => {
:load => -> (context) {
amount = context[:fields].find{|field| field[:field] == 'amount'}
stripeId = context[:fields].find{|field| field[:field] == 'stripe_id'}
amount[:value] = 4520;
id = context[:params][:data][:attributes][:ids][0];
customer = Customers.find(id);
stripeId[:value] = customer['stripe_id'];
return context[:fields];
import json
from django_forest.utils.collection import Collection
from app.models import Company
class CompanyForest(Collection):
def load(self):
self.actions = [{
'name': 'Charge credit card',
'fields': [
'field': 'amount',
'description': 'The amount (USD) to charge the credit card. Example: 42.50',
'isRequired': True,
'type': 'Number'
'field': 'description',
'description': 'Explain the reason why you want to charge manually the customer here',
'isRequired': True,
'type': 'String'
# we added a field to show the full potential of prefilled values in this example
'field': 'stripe_id',
'isRequired': True,
'type': 'String'
'hooks': {
'load': self.charge_credit_card_load,
def charge_credit_card_load(fields, request, *args, **kwargs):
amount = next((x for x in fields if x['field'] == 'amount'), None)
stripeId = next((x for x in fields if x['field'] == 'stripe_id'), None)
amount['value'] = 4520;
body_unicode = request.body.decode('utf-8')
body = json.loads(body_unicode)
id = body['data']['attributes']['ids'][0]
customer = Customers.objects.get(pk=id)
stripeId['value'] = customer['stripe_id']
return fields
Collection.register(CompanyForest, Company)
namespace App\Models;
use ForestAdmin\LaravelForestAdmin\Services\Concerns\ForestCollection;
use ForestAdmin\LaravelForestAdmin\Services\SmartFeatures\SmartAction;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany;
* Class Customer
class Customer extends Model
use HasFactory, ForestCollection;
* @return SmartAction
public function chargeCreditCard(): SmartAction
return $this->smartAction('single', 'Charge credit card')
'field' => 'amount',
'type' => 'Number',
'is_required' => true,
'description' => 'The amount (USD) to charge the credit card. Example: 42.50'
'field' => 'description',
'type' => 'String',
'is_required' => true,
'description' => 'Explain the reason why you want to charge manually the customer here'
'field' => 'stripe_id',
'type' => 'String',
'is_required' => true,
function () {
$customer = Customer::find(request()->input('data.attributes.ids')[0]);
$fields = $this->getFields();
$fields['amount']['value'] = 4250;
$fields['stripe_id']['value'] = $customer->stripe_id;
return $fields;
Making a field read-only
To make a field read only, you can use the isReadOnly
(optional) If true
, the Smart action field won’t be editable in the form. Default is false
Combined with the load hook feature, this can be used to make a field read-only dynamically:
const { customers } = require('../models');
collection('customers', {
actions: [
name: 'Some action',
type: 'single',
fields: [
field: 'country',
type: 'String',
isReadOnly: true,
field: 'city',
type: 'String',
hooks: {
load: async ({ fields, request }) => {
const country = fields.find((field) => field.field === 'country');
country.value = 'France';
const id =[0];
const customer = await customers.findById(id);
// If customer country is not France, empty field and make it editable
if ( !== 'France') {
country.value = '';
country.isReadOnly = false;
return fields;
fields: [],
segments: [],
Change your form's data based on previous field values
This feature is only available from version 8.0.0 (forest-express-sequelize
and forest-express-mongoose
) / version 7.0.0 (forest-rails
) .
Here's a typical example: Selecting a City within a list of cities from the Country you just selected. Then selecting a Zip code within a list of zip codes located in the City you just selected.
const { getEnumsFromDatabaseForThisRecord } = require('./my-own-helper');
const { getZipCodeFromCity } = require('...');
const { collection } = require('forest-express-sequelize');
const { customers } = require('../models');
collection('customers', {
actions: [
name: 'Send invoice',
type: 'single',
fields: [
field: 'country',
type: 'Enum',
enums: [],
field: 'city',
type: 'String',
hook: 'onCityChange',
field: 'zip code',
type: 'String',
hook: 'onZipCodeChange',
hooks: {
load: async ({ fields, request }) => {
const country = fields.find((field) => field.field === 'country');
const id =[0];
const customer = await customers.findByPk(id);
country.enums = getEnumsFromDatabaseForThisRecord(customer);
return fields;
change: {
onCityChange: async ({ fields, request, changedField }) => {
const zipCode = fields.find((field) => field.field === 'zip code');
const id =[0];
const customer = await customers.findByPk(id);
zipCode.value = getZipCodeFromCity(customer, changedField.value);
return fields;
onZipCodeChange: async ({ fields, request, changedField }) => {
const city = fields.find((field) => field.field === 'city');
const id =[0];
const customer = await customers.findByPk(id);
city.value = getCityFromZipCode(customer, changedField.value);
return fields;
fields: [],
segments: [],
const { getEnumsFromDatabaseForThisRecord } = require('./my-own-helper');
const { getZipCodeFromCity } = require('...');
const { collection } = require('forest-express-mongoose');
const { customers } = require('../models');
collection('customers', {
actions: [
name: 'Send invoice',
type: 'single',
fields: [
field: 'country',
type: 'Enum',
enums: [],
field: 'city',
type: 'String',
hook: 'onCityChange',
field: 'zip code',
type: 'String',
hook: 'onZipCodeChange',
hooks: {
load: async ({ fields, request }) => {
const country = fields.find((field) => field.field === 'country');
const id =[0];
const customer = await customers.findById(id);
country.enums = getEnumsFromDatabaseForThisRecord(customer);
return fields;
change: {
onCityChange: async ({ fields, request, changedField }) => {
const zipCode = fields.find((field) => field.field === 'zip code');
const id =[0];
const customer = await customers.findById(id);
zipCode.value = getZipCodeFromCity(customer, changedField.value);
return fields;
onZipCodeChange: async ({ fields, request, changedField }) => {
const city = fields.find((field) => field.field === 'city');
const id =[0];
const customer = await customers.findById(id);
city.value = getCityFromZipCode(customer, changedField.value);
return fields;
fields: [],
segments: [],
actions 'Send invoice',
type: 'single',
fields: [
field: 'country',
type: 'Enum',
enums: []
field: 'city',
type: 'String',
hook: 'oncityChange'
field: 'zip code',
type: 'String',
hook: 'onZipCodeChange'
hooks: {
:load => -> (context){
country = context[:fields].find{|field| field[:field] == 'country'}
id = context[:params][:data][:attributes][:ids][0];
customer = Customers.find(id);
country[:enums] = getEnumsFromDatabaseForThisRecord(customer)
return context[:fields]
:change => {
'oncityChange'=> -> (context){
zipCode = context[:fields].find{|field| field[:field] == 'zip code'}
id = context[:params][:data][:attributes][:ids][0];
customer = Customers.find(id);
zipCode[:value] = getZipCodeFromCity(
return context[:fields]
'onZipCodeChange'=> -> (context) {
city = context[:fields].find{|field| field[:field] == 'city'}
id = context[:params][:data][:attributes][:ids][0];
customer = Customers.find(id);
city[:value] = getCityFromZipCode(
return context[:fields]
import json
from django_forest.utils.collection import Collection
from app.models import Company
class CompanyForest(Collection):
def load(self):
self.actions = [{
'name': 'Send invoice',
'fields': [
'field': 'country',
'type': 'Enum',
'enums': []
'field': 'city',
'type': 'String',
'hook': 'cityChange'
'field': 'zip code',
'type': 'String',
'hook': 'zipCodeChange'
'hooks': {
'load': self.send_invoice_load,
'change': {
'cityChange': self.send_invoice_change_city,
'zipCodeChange': self.send_invoice_change_zip_code,
def get_enums_from_database_for_this_record(customer):
def get_zip_code_from_city(customer, value):
def get_city_from_zip_code(customer, value):
def send_invoice_load(fields, request, *args, **kwargs):
country = next((x for x in fields if x['field'] == 'country'), None)
body_unicode = request.body.decode('utf-8')
body = json.loads(body_unicode)
id = body['data']['attributes']['ids'][0]
customer = Customers.objects.get(pk=id);
country['enums'] = self.get_enums_from_database_for_this_record(customer)
return fields
def send_invoice_change_city(self, fields, request, changed_field, *args, **kwargs):
zip_code = next((x for x in fields if x['field'] == 'zip code'), None)
body_unicode = request.body.decode('utf-8')
body = json.loads(body_unicode)
id = body['data']['attributes']['ids'][0]
customer = Customers.objects.get(pk=id);
zip_code['value'] = self.get_zip_code_from_city(
return fields
def send_invoice_change_zip_code(self, fields, request, changed_field, *args, **kwargs):
city = next((x for x in fields if x['field'] == 'city'), None)
body_unicode = request.body.decode('utf-8')
body = json.loads(body_unicode)
id = body['data']['attributes']['ids'][0]
customer = Customers.objects.get(pk=id);
city['value'] = self.get_city_from_zip_code(
return fields
Collection.register(CompanyForest, Company)
* Class Company
class Company extends Model
use HasFactory, ForestCollection;
* @return SmartAction
public function sendInvoice(): SmartAction
return $this->smartAction('single', 'Send invoice')
'field' => 'country',
'type' => 'Enum',
'enums' => [],
'field' => 'city',
'type' => 'String',
'hook' => 'onCityChange',
'field' => 'zipCode',
'type' => 'String',
'hook' => 'onZipCodeChange',
function () {
$fields = $this->getFields();
$fields['country']['enums'] = Company::getEnumsFromDatabaseForThisRecord();
return $fields;
'onCityChange' => function () {
$fields = $this->getFields();
$fields['zipCode']['value'] = Company::getZipCodeFromCity($fields['city']['value']);
return $fields;
'onZipCodeChange' => function () {
$fields = $this->getFields();
$fields['city']['value'] = Company::getCityFromZipCode($fields['zipCode']['value']);
return $fields;
* @return string[]
public static function getEnumsFromDatabaseForThisRecord(): array
return ['France', 'Germany', 'USA'];
* @param string $zipCode
* @return string
public static function getCityFromZipCode(string $zipCode): string
return "City for $zipCode";
* @param string $city
* @return string
public static function getZipCodeFromCity(string $city): string
return "Zip code for $city";
How does it work?
The hooks
property receives a context object containing:
array in its current state (containing also the current values)the
object containing all the information related to the records selection. Explained here.the
is the current field who trigger the hook (only for change hook)
must be returned. Note that fields
is an array containing existing fields with properties described in this section.
If you want to use a widget inside of a hook, you'll need to use the following syntax on your field:
For a
text area
, use{ widgetEdit: 'text area editor', parameters: {} }
For a
, use{ widgetEdit: 'boolean editor', parameters: {} }
For a
or adateonly
, use{ widgetEdit: 'date editor', parameters: {} }
For a
, use{ widgetEdit: 'file picker', parameters: {} }
To dynamically change a property within a load
or change
hook, just set it! For instance, setting a new description for the field city
const city = fields.find((field) => field.field === 'city');
city.description = 'Please enter the name of your favorite city';
const city = fields.find((field) => field.field === 'city');
city.description = 'Please enter the name of your favorite city';
city = context[:fields].find{|field| field[:field] == 'city'}
city[:description] = "Please enter the name of your favorite city"
city = next((x for x in fields if x['field'] == 'city'), None)
city['description'] = 'Please enter the name of your favorite city'
$fields = $this->getFields();
$fields['city']['description'] = "Please enter the name of your favorite city";
As a result, the correct way to set a default value is using the value
property within a load
hook, as follows:
hooks: {
load: ({ fields, request }) => {
const country = fields.find(field => field.field === 'country');
country.value = "France";
return fields;
hooks: {
load: ({ fields, request }) => {
const country = fields.find(field => field.field === 'country');
country.value = "France";
return fields;
hooks: {
:load => -> (context){
country = context[:fields].find{|field| field[:field] == 'country'}
country[:value] = "France"
return context[:fields]
'hooks': {
'load': self.send_invoice_load,
def send_invoice_load(fields, request, *args, **kwargs):
country = next((x for x in fields if x['field'] == 'country'), None)
country['value'] = 'France'
return fields
function () {
$fields = $this->getFields();
$fields['country']['value'] = "France";
return $fields;
Add/remove fields dynamically
This feature is only available from version 8.0.0 (forest-express-sequelize
and forest-express-mongoose
) / version 7.0.0 (forest-rails
You can add a field
dynamically inside the fields
array, like so:
hooks: {
change: {
onFieldChanged: ({ fields, request, changedField }) => {
field: 'another field',
type: 'Boolean',
return fields;
hooks: {
change: {
onFieldChanged: ({ fields, request, changedField }) => {
field: 'another field',
type: 'Boolean',
return fields;
:hooks => {
:change => {
'onFieldChanged' => -> (context) {
field: 'another field',
type: 'Boolean',
return context[:fields];
'hooks': {
'change': {
'onFieldChanged': self.on_field_change,
def on_field_change(self, fields, request, changed_field, *args, **kwargs):
'field': 'another field',
'type': 'Boolean',
return fields
'onFieldChanged' => function () {
$fields = $this->getFields();
$fields['another field'] = (new SmartActionField(
'field' => 'another field',
'type' => 'Boolean',
return $fields;
We added the changedField
attribute so that you can easily know what changed.
Note that you may add a change
hook on a dynamically-added field. Simply use the following syntax:
hooks: {
change: {
onFieldChanged: ({ fields, request, changedField }) => {
field: 'another field',
type: 'Boolean',
hook: 'onAnotherFieldChanged',
return fields;
onAnotherFieldChanged: ({fields, request, changedField }) => {
// Do what you want
return fields;
hooks: {
change: {
onFieldChanged: ({ fields, request, changedField }) => {
field: 'another field',
type: 'Boolean',
hook: 'onAnotherFieldChanged',
return fields;
onAnotherFieldChanged: ({fields, request, changedField }) => {
// Do what you want
return fields;
:hooks => {
:change => {
'onFieldChanged' => -> (context) {
field: 'another field',
type: 'Boolean',
hook: 'onAnotherFiledChanged',
return context[:fields];
'onAnotherFiledChanged' => -> (context) {
# Do what you want
return context[:fields];
'hooks': {
'change': {
'onFieldChanged': self.on_field_change,
'onAnotherFieldChanged': self.on_another_field_change,
def on_field_change(self, fields, request, changed_field, *args, **kwargs):
'field': 'another field',
'type': 'Boolean',
'hook': 'onAnotherFieldChanged',
return fields
def on_another_field_change(self, fields, request, changed_field, *args, **kwargs):
// Do what you want
return fields
'onFieldChanged' => function () {
$fields = $this->getFields();
$fields['another field'] = (new SmartActionField(
'field' => 'another field',
'type' => 'Boolean',
'hook' => 'onAnotherFiledChanged'
return $fields;
'onAnotherFiledChanged' => function () {
$fields = $this->getFields();
// Do what you want
return $fields;
Get selected records with bulk action
When using hooks with a bulk Smart action, you'll probably need te get the values or ids of the selected records. See below how this can be achieved.
const { collection, RecordsGetter } = require('forest-express-sequelize');
const { customers } = require('../models');
const customersHaveSameCountry = require('../services/customers-have-same-country');
collection('customers', {
actions: [
name: 'Some action',
type: 'bulk',
fields: [
field: 'country',
type: 'String',
isReadOnly: true,
field: 'city',
type: 'String',
hooks: {
load: async ({ fields, request }) => {
const country = fields.find((field) => field.field === 'country');
const ids = await new RecordsGetter(
const customers = await customers.findAll({ where: { id } });
country.value = '';
country.isReadOnly = false;
// If customers have the same country, set field to this country and make it not editable
if (customersHaveSameCountry(customers)) {
country.value =;
country.isReadOnly = true;
return fields;
fields: [],
segments: [],
const { collection, RecordsGetter } = require('forest-express-mongoose');
const { customers } = require('../models');
const customersHaveSameCountry = require('../services/customers-have-same-country');
collection('customers', {
actions: [
name: 'Some action',
type: 'bulk',
fields: [
field: 'country',
type: 'String',
isReadOnly: true,
field: 'city',
type: 'String',
hooks: {
load: async ({ fields, request }) => {
const country = fields.find((field) => field.field === 'country');
const ids = await new RecordsGetter(
const customers = await customers.findAll({ _id: { $in: ids } });
country.value = '';
country.isReadOnly = false;
// If customers have the same country, set field to this country and make it not editable
if (customersHaveSameCountry(customers)) {
country.value =;
country.isReadOnly = true;
return fields;
fields: [],
segments: [],
class Forest::Customers
include ForestLiana::Collection
collection :Customers
action 'Some action',
type: 'bulk',
fields: [
field: 'country',
type: 'String',
is_read_only: true
field: 'city',
type: 'String'
:hooks => {
:load => -> (context) {
country = context[:fields].find{|field| field[:field] == 'country'}
ids = ForestLiana::ResourcesGetter.get_ids_from_request(context[:params], context[:user]);
customers = Customers.find(ids);
country[:value] = '';
country[:is_read_only] = false;
# If customers have the same country, set field to this country and make it not editable
if customers_have_same_country(customers)
country[:value] =;
country[:is_read_only] = true;
return context[:fields];
import json
from django_forest.utils.collection import Collection
from django_forest.utils.views.base import BaseView
from app.models import Customer
class CustomerForest(Collection):
def load(self):
self.actions = [{
'name': 'Some Action',
'type': 'bulk',
'fields': [
'field': 'country',
'type': 'String',
'isReadOnly': True
'field': 'city',
'type': 'String',
'hooks': {
'load': self.some_action_load,
def send_invoice_load(fields, request, *args, **kwargs):
country = next((x for x in fields if x['field'] == 'country'), None)
body_unicode = request.body.decode('utf-8')
body = json.loads(body_unicode)
ids = BaseView().get_ids_from_request(request, Question)
customers = Customer.objects.filter(pk__in=ids);
country['value'] = '';
country['isReadOnly'] = False;
# If customers have the same country, set field to this country and make it not editable
if (self.customersHaveSameCountry(customers)) {
country['value'] = customers[0]['country'];
country['isReadOnly'] = True;
return fields
Collection.register(CustomerForest, Customer)
namespace App\Models;
use ForestAdmin\LaravelForestAdmin\Services\Concerns\ForestCollection;
use ForestAdmin\LaravelForestAdmin\Services\SmartFeatures\SmartAction;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany;
* Class Customer
class Customer extends Model
use HasFactory, ForestCollection;
* @return SmartAction
public function someAction(): SmartAction
return $this->smartAction('bulk', 'Some action')
'field' => 'country',
'type' => 'String',
'is_read_only' => true,
'field' => 'city',
'type' => 'String',
function () {
$customerCountries = Customer::select('country')
->whereIn('id', request()->input('data.attributes.ids'))
$fields = $this->getFields();
$fields['country']['value'] = '';
$fields['stripe_id']['is_read_only'] = false;
if ($customerCountries->count() === 1) {
$fields['country']['value'] = $customerCountries->first()->country;
$fields['stripe_id']['is_read_only'] = true;
return $fields;
Last updated
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