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Smart action to create several records from the input of a single smart action form
Description: From a smart action form which asks input for 3 new products at a time (picture + description), catch the posted payload and create 3 products
require'data_uri'require'base64'classForest::ProductsController<ForestLiana::ApplicationControllerdefsplit_product attrs = params.dig('data','attributes','values') created_items = 0 (1..3).eachdo|i| new_product_picture = attrs["product_#{i}_picture"]; new_product_description = attrs["product_#{i}_description"];if new_product_picture && new_product_description# if you are storing your pictures in a cloud and your DB stores the pictures url -> include here a function to send the base64 image to your cloud and fetch back the corresponding{label: product_description,picture: product_picture, }) created_items +=1ifProduct.saveendend success_message = 'Successfully created '+ created_items.to_s+' item(s)'puts success_message render json: { success: success_message }enddefsplit_product_values context = get_smart_action_context picture_url = context[:picture] render serializer:nil,json: { product_1_picture: picture_url,product_2_picture: picture_url,product_3_picture: picture_url},status::okendend