Next step is to define the logic to retrieve the data of the smart collection in a routes/your-model.js file.
You first need to set variables according to the context to ensure the query follows the UX (nb of records per page, index of the page you're on, search performed or not)
You then need to define a serializer adapted to the format of the data that will be passed and the expected fields of the collection.
Finally you need to implement the API call, serialize the data obtained, filter depending on the search performed and return the payload.
NB: I used the superagent module for the API call
const Liana = require('forest-express-sequelize');
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const models = require('../models');
const P = require('bluebird');
const JSONAPISerializer = require('jsonapi-serializer').Serializer;
const superagent = require('superagent');
(req, res, next) => {
// set pagination parameters when exist (default limit is 250 as it is the max allowed by Hubspot)
let limit = 250;
let offset = 0; ? (limit = parseInt( : limit;
? (offset = (parseInt( - 1) * limit)
: offset;
// set search terms when exist
let search = null; ? (search = : search;
// define the serializer used to format the payload
const hubspotCompaniesSerializer = new JSONAPISerializer(
attributes: ['name'],
keyForAttribute: 'underscore_case',
id: 'companyId',
transform: function (record) { = record['properties']['name']['value'];
return record;
// implement function to call hubspot API and return companies
async function getCompanies() {
return (hubspot_companies = await superagent
.then((response) => {
// parsing the answer from the API
companiesJSON = JSON.parse(response.res.text).companies;
// serializing the companies to comply with the format expected by the Forest server
serializedCompanies =
// return all data or data with a name containing the searched terms from the companies fetched
if (search) { =
function (item) {
return serializedCompanies;
} else {
return serializedCompanies;
async function sendCompaniesPayload() {
let hubspotCompanies = await getCompanies();
// defining the count of companies fetched
let count =;
return res.send({ ...hubspotCompanies, meta: { count: count } });
module.exports = router;