Upgrade to v7

The purpose of this note is to help developers to upgrade their agent from v6 to v7. Please read carefully and integrate the following breaking changes to ensure a smooth update.​

Please be sure of your agent type and version and pick the right documentation accordingly.

This is the documentation of the forest-express-sequelize and forest-express-mongoose Node.js agents that will soon reach end-of-support.

forest-express-sequelize v9 and forest-express-mongoose v9 are replaced by @forestadmin/agent v1.

Please check your agent type and version and read on or switch to the right documentation.

Upgrade to v7

Please be aware that while Forest Admin make every effort to ensure that our platform updates are broadly compatible and offer detailed instructions for upgrading, Forest Admin cannot guarantee that custom code developed by the developers will always be compatible with new versions of our software. This includes any custom modifications or extensions to core functionalities, such as method overrides or custom integrations. It is the responsibility of the developers to review and test their custom code to ensure compatibility with each new version. Our team provides comprehensive upgrade guides to assist in this process, but these cannot encompass the unique customizations that may be present in each customer's environment. Therefore, Forest Admin strongly recommend establishing a thorough testing protocol for your specific customizations to safeguard against potential issues during the upgrade process.

Please follow the recommended procedure to upgrade your agent version by following this note.

Upgrading to v7

Before upgrading to v7, consider the below breaking changes.

This upgrade unlocks the following feature:

To upgrade to v7, update the version in your Gemfile, then run the following and update your project as shown in the Breaking Changes section below.:

bundle install

In case of a regression introduced in Production after the upgrade, a rollback to your previous agent version 6 is the fastest way to restore your admin panel.

Breaking change

Smart actions

The values endpoint is no longer supported.

The smart action change hook is no longer linked to fieldName. Now it need to set a hook property inside field definition.


action 'Test action',
  type: 'single',
  fields: [{
    field: 'a field',
    type: 'String',
  :hooks => {
    :change => {
      'a field' => -> (context) {
        # Do something ...
        return context[:fields];


action 'Test action',
  type: 'single',
  fields: [{
    field: 'a field',
    type: 'String',
    hook: 'onFieldChanged',
  :hooks => {
    :change => {
      'onFieldChanged' => -> (context) {
        # Do something ...
        return context[:fields];

The signature of hooks function has changed.fields is now an array. You must change the way you access fields.


:hooks => {
  :load => -> (context) {
    field = context[:fields]['a field'];
    field[:value] = 'init your field';
    return context[:fields];
  :change => {
    'onFieldChanged' => -> (context) {
      field = context[:fields]['a field'];
      field[:value] = 'what you want';
      return context[:fields];


:hooks => {
  :load => -> (context) {
    field = context[:fields].find{|field| field[:field] == 'a field'}
    field[:value] = 'init your field';
    return context[:fields];
  :change => {
    'onFieldChanged' => -> (context) {
      field = context[:fields].find{|field| field[:field] == 'a field'}
      field[:value] = 'what you want';
      return context[:fields];

The signature of hooks functions has changed. In order to support the hooks for global and bulk smart action, record is no longer sent to the hook. You must change the way you get the record information.


:hooks => {
  :load => -> (context) {
    field = context[:fields]['a field'];
    field[:value] = context[:record].a_props;
    return context[:fields];


:hooks => {
  :load => -> (context) {
    id = ForestLiana::ResourcesGetter.get_ids_from_request(context[:params])[0];
    # or
    id = context[:params][:data][:attributes][:ids][0];

    record = model.find(id)

    field = context[:fields].find{|field| field[:field] == 'a field'}
    field[:value] = record.a_props;

    return context[:fields];


Scopes have been revamped, from a convenient alternative to segments, to a security feature. They are now enforced by the agent (server-side).

This update comes with breaking changes in the prototype of helpers which are provided to access and modify data.

All occurrences of calls to ResourcesGetter, ResourceGetter, ResourceUpdater must be updated and now require the forest_user property to retrieve the relevant scope. The forest_user property is made accessible in your smart action controllers by inheriting from our controller: ForestLiana::SmartActionsController


ForestLiana::ResourcesGetter.new(resource, params).perform
ForestLiana::ResourceGetter.new(resource, params).perform
ForestLiana::ResourceUpdater.new(resource, params).perform


ForestLiana::ResourcesGetter.new(resource, params, forest_user).perform
ForestLiana::ResourcesGetter.get_ids_from_request(params, forest_user)
ForestLiana::ResourceGetter.new(resource, params, forest_user).perform
ForestLiana::ResourceUpdater.new(resource, params, forest_user).perform

Last updated

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