Upgrade to v6

The purpose of this note is to help developers to upgrade their agent from v5 to v6. Please read carefully and integrate the following breaking changes to ensure a smooth update.​

Upgrade to v6

Please follow the recommended procedure to upgrade your agent version by following this note.

Upgrading to v6

To upgrade to v6, update the version in your Gemfile, then run the following and update your project as shown in the Breaking Changes section below.:

bundle install

In case of a regression introduced in Production after the upgrade, a rollback to your previous agent version 5 is the fastest way to restore your admin panel.

Breaking changes

Easier authentication

The agent version introduces an improved authentication mechanism. The following changes are required:

New environment variable

In your secrets.yml file, set a forest_application_url variable: it must contain your Rails app URL for that environment. Then add the following:

ForestLiana.application_url = Rails.application.secrets.forest_application_url

New CORS condition

Add null_regex = Regexp.new(/\Anull\z/) as a variable and use it in your cors configuration. When using rack cors, it should look like this:

    null_regex = Regexp.new(/\Anull\z/)

    config.middleware.insert_before 0, Rack::Cors do
      allow do
        hostnames = [null_regex, 'localhost:4200', 'app.forestadmin.com', 'localhost:3001']
        hostnames += ENV['CORS_ORIGINS'].split(',') if ENV['CORS_ORIGINS']

        origins hostnames
        resource '*',
          headers: :any,
          methods: :any,
          expose: ['Content-Disposition'],
          credentials: true

Enable caching

You need to enable caching on your environment to be able to authenticate to Forest Admin. You can do it by running the following command:

rails dev:cache

You can either enable caching or setup a static clientId as shown in the next step.

Setup a static clientId

First, you will need to obtain a Client ID for your environment by running the following command:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer FOREST_ENV_SECRET" \
     -X POST \
     -d '{"token_endpoint_auth_method": "none", "redirect_uris": ["APPLICATION_URL/forest/authentication/callback"]}' \

Then assign the client_id value from the response (it's a JWT) to a forest_client_id variable in your secret.yml file.

Lastly, add the following:

ForestLiana.forest_client_id = Rails.application.secrets.forest_client_id

Important Notice


This release note covers only the major changes. To learn more, please refer to the changelogs in our different repositories:

Last updated

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