Quick Start

This is the official documentation of Forest Admin Cloud.

Follow these simple steps to quickly set up and start using Forest Admin with your data source.

Step 1: Sign Up and Create a New Project

Visit https://app.forestadmin.com/signup and sign up for a free account. Once logged in, create a new project and choose a name.

Step 2: Connect Your Data Source

After creating your project, you will be prompted to connect your data source. Choose your database type. For this example, we'll select PostgreSQL.

Enter the required connection details for your PostgreSQL database, including host, port, username, password and database name.

If your data source restricts certain IPs, add to the allowed list.

(optional) Set up tunneling for local databases or not accessible over the internet

If your database is not directly accessible over the internet, use tunneling software like Ngrok, Bastion, or Localtunnel. Choose the software that meets your needs, follow its setup instructions, and provide the SSH server details like host, port, and username. Forest Admin will provide the SSH public key so you can add it to your server's authorized_keys file.

Then, click the "Next" button to establish a connection between Forest Admin and your data source.

Step 3: Automatic Admin Panel Creation

Congratulations! You've successfully set up Forest Admin Cloud and created your admin panel.

Explore your new admin panel with its rich set of features, including CRUD operations, search functionality, dashboard creation, granular permissions management, a WYSIWYG layout editor, and more, all without any additional requirements.

Dive into the documentation to explore advanced features and customization options. If you encounter any issues, check our community or reach out to our support team for assistance. Happy exploring with Forest Admin Cloud!

Last updated