
This is the official documentation of Forest Admin Cloud.

Workspace is a powerful tool that allows you to craft bespoke internal tools tailored to your specific operational processes. This documentation provides an overview of the philosophy behind Workspace, guiding you on how to leverage its capabilities to create efficient and intuitive tools.

Standard Web Components

Workspace empowers you to build internal tools seamlessly by providing a set of standard web components. These include titles, dividers, sections, tabs, and more. Whether you're structuring your tool or enhancing its visual appeal, these components serve as the building blocks of your workspace.

Ready-Made Rich Components

Workspace empowers you to design internal tools effortlessly by offering a variety of pre-built and ready-made components. Forest Admin provides a set of components specifically designed for displaying collections, fields, actions, and more. These components come equipped with advanced functionalities, such as search and filters, sorting, pagination, and the right widgets for fields. Instead of diving into the intricacies of data architecture, focus on the convenience of leveraging these pre-built elements to quickly assemble powerful and functional tools for your specific needs.

Component Interaction and Templating

Workspace utilizes templating to establish dynamic connections between different components. The magic happens with the use of double curly braces {{ }}. These placeholders enable you to inject data, creating a dynamic and responsive user interface.

Example: Search Input and Collection Components

Let's explore a common scenario to understand how components interact. Suppose you want to create a tool that involves searching for records within a collection.

Begin by dragging and dropping a Search component onto your workspace, specifying a collection. Let's use Company as an example and set the field to display as Name.

Subsequently, drag and drop a Collection component, ensuring it is set to the same Company collection. Apply a filter to the Collection component with the dynamic filter name as name is {{}}, and you're done.

With this configuration, each time a search yields results, the collection will automatically filter its records accordingly.

In crafting your templates within Workspace, remember that they can start with the component name, offering a clear and structured approach to customization. However, beyond component-specific templating, Forest Admin provides additional built-in variables to enhance your flexibility:

  • currentUser: Access information about the current user

  • currentDate: Incorporate real-time date information into your templates

Now that you have an understanding of Workspace principles and component interaction, dive into creating your tailored internal tools. Experiment with different components, explore templating possibilities, and witness the dynamic nature of your tools as they seamlessly integrate with your Forest Admin. Happy crafting!

Last updated