
This is the official documentation of the forestadmin/laravel-forestadmin v2+ and forestadmin/symfony-forestadmin PHP agents.

The Eloquent data source allows importing collections from all models class that extends the abstract class Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model.

To make everything work as expected, you need to install the package forestadmin/php-datasource-eloquent.

Note that:

  • Eloquent relationships will be respected

use ForestAdmin\AgentPHP\Agent\Builder\AgentFactory;
use ForestAdmin\AgentPHP\DatasourceEloquent\EloquentDatasource;

return static function () {
    $forestAgent = app()->make(AgentFactory::class);
        new EloquentDatasource(
                'driver' => env('DB_CONNECTION'),
                'host'   => env('DB_HOST'),
                'port'   => env('DB_PORT'),
                'database' => env('DB_DATABASE'),
                'username' => env('DB_USERNAME'),
                'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD'),

Enable support of live queries

By enabling this feature, users with the required permission level can create Live Query components (charts ↗, analytics charts ↗ and segments ↗), allowing them to create more sophisticated requests to your database, by leveraging the underlying query language, SQL in this case.

You can enable this feature by setting a connection name (works as an identifier) when creating your datasource. This connection name will be reflected on the UI when configuring a LiveQuery component, it should have a clear meaning for your Forest users.

The live_query_connections parameter determines which database will be used for live queries.

  • If a string is provided (e.g., mainDatabase), ForestAdmin will bind it to the config('database.default') database as defined in your Laravel database configuration.

  • If an array is provided, it should be an associative array, like ['EloquentDatasource' => 'pgsql'].

$forestAgent = app()->make(AgentFactory::class);
    new EloquentDatasource(
        databaseConfig: [
            'driver' => env('DB_CONNECTION'),
            'host'   => env('DB_HOST'),
            'port'   => env('DB_PORT'),
            'database' => env('DB_DATABASE'),
            'username' => env('DB_USERNAME'),
            'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD'),
        liveQueryConnections: 'mainDatabase'

Multi databases

If you are working with multiple databases here is an example of how you can configure live queries to target specific connections for each database :

$forestAgent = app()->make(AgentFactory::class);
    new EloquentDatasource(
        databaseConfig: [
            'driver' => env('DB_CONNECTION'),
            'host'   => env('DB_HOST'),
            'port'   => env('DB_PORT'),
            'database' => env('DB_DATABASE'),
            'username' => env('DB_USERNAME'),
            'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD'),
        liveQueryConnections: [
            'mainDatabase' => 'pgsql',
            'otherEloquentDatasource' => 'pgsql2',

Last updated

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