Static Forms

This is the official documentation of the forestadmin-agent-django and forestadmin-agent-flask Python agents.

Very often, you will need to ask for user inputs before triggering the logic behind an action.

For example, you might want to specify a reason if you want to block a user account. Or set the amount to charge a user’s credit card.

Field Configuration


Fields are configurable using the following properties:

PropertyExpected valueDescription


Boolean, Date, Dateonly, Enum, Json, Number, String, NumberList, EnumList, StringList, FileList and Collection}

Set the type of the field.



Set the label of the field.



Set the description of the field.



Make the field required (default false).



Make the field read-only (default false).



Set the default value of the field.


array of strings

Change the list of possible values of the field when type is Enum.

from typing import Union
from forestadmin.datasource_toolkit.decorators.action.context.single import ActionContextSingle
from forestadmin.datasource_toolkit.decorators.action.result_builder import ResultBuilder
from forestadmin.datasource_toolkit.interfaces.actions import ActionResult

async def execute(
    context: ActionContextSingle, result_builder: ResultBuilder
) -> Union[None, ActionResult]:
    record = await context.get_record(['stripeId', 'address:country'])
    form_values = context.form_values

    # ... charge the credit card ...

    return result_builder.success("Amount charged")

agent.customize_collection("Company").add_action("Charge credit card", {
    "scope": "Single",
    "execute": execute,
        "type": "Number",
        "label": "amount",
        "description": "The amount (USD) to charge the credit card. Example: 42.50",
        "is_required": True,

References to records

When using the Collection type, you can create a reference to a record of any collection.

The value of the field will be the primary key of the selected record.

Note that the value will be stored in an array as the target collection may be using a composite primary key. When not using a composite primary key, the array can be assumed to contain a single value.

from typing import Union
from forestadmin.datasource_toolkit.decorators.action.types.actions import ActionSingle
from forestadmin.datasource_toolkit.decorators.action.result_builder import ResultBuilder
from forestadmin.datasource_toolkit.interfaces.actions import ActionResult

async def execute(
    context: ActionContextSingle, result_builder: ResultBuilder
) -> Union[None, ActionResult]:
    # Retrieve user id from the form
    user_id = context.form_values["Assigne"]

agent.customize_collection("Company").add_action("Charge credit card", {
            "label": "Assigne",
            "type": "Collection",
            "description": "The user to assign the ticket to",
            "collection_name": "user",
            "is_required": True,
    "scope": "Single",
    "execute": execute,

Last updated