Development workflow

This is the official documentation of the forestadmin-agent-django and forestadmin-agent-flask Python agents.

Developing on Forest Admin

One of the goals of Forest Admin is empowering technical teams to achieve more in less time: in other words, giving them the means to create and maintain a great admin panel in as little time as possible.

Development tools

Your Forest Admin panel is composed of 2 parts - the frontend (UI) and the backend - and for each one, you need the right tools:

The Admin backend is part of your codebase. As a result, you'll be using your favorite tools to customize it:

  • Editing: your favorite IDE

  • Versioning: your favorite versioning tool (git, svn, mercurial, etc)

Your Forest Admin UI is not part of your codebase: it is managed on Forest Admin servers. As a result, you depend on Forest Admin tools to customize it. Here's what we've built for you:

Development workflow

You’ll find below a state diagram showcasing development scenarios and their related steps for the recommended development workflow:

In the next pages, we'll cover each step in detail.

Last updated