
This is the official documentation of the forestadmin-agent-django and forestadmin-agent-flask Python agents.

Time-based charts are very similar to distribution charts, the only differences being that:

  • An additional parameter tells the frontend if the dates should be displayed by Day, Week, Month, or Year,

  • The keys of the returned object can be ISO-8601 compliant string dates, python datetime.date object, or python datetime.datetime object.

from datetime import date, datetime
from forestadmin.datasource_toolkit.context.agent_context import AgentCustomizationContext
from forestadmin.datasource_toolkit.decorators.chart.result_builder import ResultBuilder
from forestadmin.datasource_toolkit.interfaces.chart import Chart

async def transaction_volume_chart_fn(
    context: AgentCustomizationContext, result_builder: ResultBuilder
) -> Chart:
    return result_builder.timeBased(
            '2017-02-01': 636,
            date(2017, 3, 1): 740,
            datetime(2017, 4, 1, 0, 0): 648,
            '2017-05-01': 726,

agent.add_chart("transactionVolume", transaction_volume_chart_fn)

If you want to add several lines to the same chart, you can use the multiple_time_based method:

from datetime import date, datetime
from forestadmin.datasource_toolkit.context.agent_context import AgentCustomizationContext
from forestadmin.datasource_toolkit.decorators.chart.result_builder import ResultBuilder
from forestadmin.datasource_toolkit.interfaces.chart import Chart

async def new_users_by_project(
    context: AgentCustomizationContext, result_builder: ResultBuilder
) -> Chart:
      # [...]

      return result_builder.multipleTimeBased(
              date(2017, 2, 28),
              datetime(2017, 3, 28),
              {"label": 'Project 1', "values": [636, 740, 648, 726]},
              {"label": 'Project 2', "values": [100, 200, 300, 400]},

agent.add_chart('newUsersByProject', new_users_by_project)

Last updated