
This is the official documentation of the @forestadmin/agent Node.js agent.

The Mongoose data source allows importing collections from a Mongoose instance.

To make everything work as expected, you need to install the package @forestadmin/datasource-mongoose.

const { createAgent } = require('@forestadmin/agent');
const { createMongooseDataSource } = require('@forestadmin/datasource-mongoose');
const connection = require('./mongoose-models');

// Create agent and import collections from mongoose.connection
const agent = createAgent(options).addDataSource(
  createMongooseDataSource(connection, { flattenMode: 'none' }),

Dealing with deeply nested models

When passing flattenMode: 'none' to the Mongoose data source, the connector will map each Mongoose model to a single Forest Admin collection without transformations.

As models in Mongoose can be deeply nested, that may not be what you want:

  • Nested references will not be displayed as relations.

  • JSON editors will be displayed for nested data.

Understanding flattenMode


flattenMode: 'auto'

Arrays of objects and arrays of references are converted to independent Forest Admin collections. All other fields are moved to the root of each collection

flattenMode: 'manual'

You are in full control on which virtual collections are created, and which fields are moved

flattenMode: 'none'

No transformation are made: Forest Admin collection use the exact same structure than your Mongoose models

flattenMode: 'legacy'

Retro-compatibility with previous versions

not defined

Equivalent to legacy but a warning is displayed at server startup


Supposing that persons records have the following format:

  "name": "Sherlock Holmes",
  "age": 54,
  "address": {
    "streetName": "Baker Street",
    "city": "London",
    "country": "Great Britain"
  "bills": [
      "title": "Rent",
      "amount": 0,
      "issueDate": "1887-04-17",
      "payedBy": ["Sherlock", "John", "Mrs Hudson"]

The following samples are equivalent, and will import two collections into your Forest Admin panel:

  • persons with the following fields: name, age, address->streetName, address->city, address->country.

  • persons_bills with the following fields: title, amount, issueDate, payedBy.

// Automatic mode
const dataSource = createMongooseDataSource(mongoose.connection, {
  flattenMode: 'auto',

// Manual mode
const dataSource = createMongooseDataSource(mongoose.connection, {
  flattenMode: 'manual',
  flattenOptions: {
    // name of the Mongoose model
    persons: {
      // paths that should be converted to independent collections
      asModels: ['bills'],

      // paths that should be moved to the root of the collection
      asFields: ['address'],
      // or
      // asFields: ['address.streetName', '', ''],
      // or
      // asFields: [{ field: 'address', level: 1 }],

Last updated