Autocompletion & Typings

This is the official documentation of the @forestadmin/agent Node.js agent.

Since the Forest Admin agent is fully written in TypeScript, every function has autocompletion capabilities. The agent can generate typing files based on your models.

This allows:

  • Autocompletion of collection names and fields

  • Typing validation on all your handlers (when using TypeScript)

Generate a typing file

The typing file generated by Forest Admin will allow you to autocomplete any given fields of a collection. This is an auto-generated file, so we highly suggest not editing it manually.

In the following sections, you can see that two options are given to the createAgent function:

  • typingsPath: The location you want your typing file to be created.

  • typingsMaxDepth: The maximum depth of introspection for relationships.

Using the typing file in a TypeScript context

In a TypeScript context, the usage of the typing file is pretty straightforward. You can simply import the typing file and template your createAgent with the schema to use it.

import { createAgent } from '@forestadmin/agent';
import { Schema } from './typings';
import transactions from './customization/transactions';

  // ...
  typingsPath: './typings.ts',
  typingsMaxDepth: 5,
  .customizeCollection('transactions', transactions)

You should be able to see that the customizeCollection method is strongly typed, as well as the transactions handler.

Using the typing file in a JavaScript context

You can still benefit from it in a JavaScript environment by using the JSDoc syntax.

If you choose to split your customizeCollection handler in a dedicated file (That's the project scaffolding we usually use at Forest Admin), you can use the following JSDoc example to keep the autocomplete experience intact.

const { createAgent } = require('@forestadmin/agent');
const transactions = require('./customization/transactions');

 * Importing the typing file to keep the autocompletion
 * @typedef {import('@forestadmin/agent').Agent} Agent
 * @typedef {import('../typings').Schema} Schema

 * @type {Agent<Schema>}
const agent = createAgent({
  typingsPath: './typings.ts',
  typingsMaxDepth: 5,

  .customizeCollection('transactions', transactions)

Last updated