
This is the official documentation of the @forestadmin/agent Node.js agent.

The .forestadmin-schema.json file

In your Development Environments only, on server start, a .forestadmin-schema.json file will be auto-generated. It reflects:

  • the state of your data sources Collections.

  • your Agent customization.

This file must be versioned and deployed for any Remote (test, staging, qa, preprod,...) or Production Environment, as it will be the foundation of your Forest Admin layouts.

We use the option isProduction in the createAgent function. You can use isProduction: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' to control this behavior. Setting this variable to false will regenerate a new .forestadmin-schema.json file every time your app restarts. Using true will never regenerate the file.

As a consequence, in Remote and Production Environments, the .forestadmin-schema.json file does not update according to your data sources schema and customization changes (but follows the .forestadmin-schema.json file versioned in the code you deployed).

Do not edit this file manually, as it could break your interface if the wrong syntax is used.

Versioning the.forestadmin-schema.json file will also help you visualize your admin panel configuration changes:

Last updated